Principal: Benjamin Thomas Solomon
Financial analyses, credit risk, business reengineering, strategy, sales, supply chain.
1. Master of Business Studies, Banking and Finance, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland (1995)
2. Master of Arts, Operations Research, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom (1982)
3. Bachelor of Science, Electronics Engineering, Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom (1979)
Some of you already know, I think differently from most
people, as my IQ is 164 (i.e., less than 1 in a 100,000 people have this IQ).
We are the people who disrupt markets and industries.
In June 2023, my paper “The Multiple Sclerosis Stress Equation”
was published by the Journal of Medical Statistics and Informatics. This link
includes a small correction on page 17, and shows a new approach for disease
analysis/modeling while side stepping issues when statistical methods
breakdown. This is a landmark paper as it is the first paper ever to
mathematically/statistically, relate negative stress to disease symptoms. I
expect this paper to change how we view diseases.
The European Central Bank’s research opinion is that banks
have a risk problem despite the level of sophistication of their risk
management tools. In my monograph “A Critique of Dodd-Frank” I proposed a new bank
product HELSIS, to minimize the financial and economic impact of future
financial meltdowns. This is an alternative to, and equivalent to, the bricks
of Geithner’s “Wall of Money”, that is, a distributed wall. I expect HELSIS will
reduce a bank’s capital requirements, but it requires our politicians to . . .
I discovered the first and only formula, g=τc^2 for
gravitational acceleration in 336 years (1687-2023) that does not have mass in
the equation, thereby proving definitely, that the
acceleration of a falling body is independent of its mass. Then discovered how
all macro forces, gravity, electromagnetic and mechanical are unified by g=τc^2.
Proved that the gravitational constant G is not a constant but a coefficient
that is inversely proportional to the isotopic mass. g=τc^2 means that all
string theories are flawed. When accepted by the physics community it will
immensely impact astronomy and cosmology.
The question I’ve always asked myself, during these past 40+
years, is “how do we make decisions?” Since, having spent a decade in CMBS
stress testing, influenced by Kaizen, I have narrowed this question to “how do
we prevent bad decisions?” That is, since life, economy and the market
environment is always in a flux, the “optimization” problem cannot be “what is
the best solution, today?” It should be “what is a good solution, today, that allows
us to be successful tomorrow, too?”, because tomorrow is indeterminate for
non-trivial problems and real-world business problems cycle.
If you want to improve your outcomes, please reach out to
me. What model do you want me to build?